
Pope Alexander was often noted as one of the most corrupt of the popes of the rennisance.  Some noted anti-catholics often say he was the most obvious example of there being none of God's say behind the election of the Supreme Pontiff.  Under the offices of his uncle he rose to become a cardnil. Already at an early age showing his use of others to fufill his life as an "aristocrat".  He was in an unfavorable political light from the begining. 

The Pope himself did little to help raise public opinion, angrying many catholics by having an openly promisquise life. He often helped  his children out of trouble, like Cesare Borgia, who was accused of several murders. Alexander VI exercised his papal authority to establish a place for his dissolute son.

Alexander VI underwent a chnge of heart after the death of his son John, duke of Gandia, in 1497 and began to inststute the long-awaited Church reforms. He also added the Holy Doors to St. Peter's for the Jubilee year 1500 and wrote the prayer that is still used to open them today.

Unfortunately, his sinful habits once again got the best of him and he died under somewhat mysterious circumstances. His legacy of sinfulness left no mark in Church doctrine, while his call to conversion during the Jubilee year still remains today.

Many belive the this pope is the exact opposite of God, but some use him today as an example that God uses all sitations and people to teach us about life.

BY: Paula Jo Roberts


www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/04/20/MNGEFCBSSU1.DTL - 80k

www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/history/borgias/1.html - 31k